How I can use 2003 to 2007 Compare Versions

19. How I can use 2003 to 2007 Compare Versions
20. How to use 2003 to 2007 Structured References
21. How I can use 2003 to 2007 Page Layout View

19. 2003 to 2007 Compare Versions
In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, document libraries have the ability to track document versions. However, versioning must first be enabled in the document library settings. After you enable versioning, you can click the document menu, and then click Version History to open each version of a particular document.

With Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can use the Compare feature to compare online document versions and see exactly what changes were made.
1. Click the Review tab, and then click the Compare button.
2. Click Compare, click Compare again, and choose the original document and the revised version that you want to compare. Depending on the type of versioning enabled in the document library, you can compare the open version against the last version, the last major version, or any specific version saved to the server.

20. 2003 to 2007 Structured References
Working with formulas and functions has not always been the most intuitive process. In Microsoft Office Excel 2003, multiplying gross revenue by the profit margin might mean typing something like =B7*E14. In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, structured referencing enables you to use the column headers in table data to build your formulas. Instead of cryptic cell locations, you can simply multiply =[Gross Revenue]*[Margin].

To use structured referencing, you first need to format your data as a table.
1. Click Format as Table in the Styles section of the Home tab.
2. Select the My table has headers check box.
3. After you have a table, click the cell where you want to insert the formula, and then type the left bracket ([).
4. Select the column that you want to use from the list that appears, press the TAB key, and then close it with the right bracket (]).
5. Repeat as you build out your formula.

21. 2003 to 2007 Page Layout View
How many times have you walked to the printer and discovered that your Microsoft Office Excel 2003 worksheet didn't print as you expected? You can use the Page Break Preview view in Excel 2003 to scale your data to particular pages, but a more realistic preview of the printed page would be helpful. Page Layout view in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 presents an exact representation of the printer output of your worksheet. Page Layout view also makes it easy for you to add headers and footers to your worksheet by simply typing the text where you want it to appear. To use Page Layout view, click the View tab, and then click Page Layout in the Workbook Views section.