How to Upgrade Old Documents to 2007 Versions

127. How to Create Tables to Your Own Specifications
128. How to Upgrade Old Documents to 2007 Versions
129. How to Find Tooltips for Keyboard Shortcuts

127. Create Tables to Your Own Specifications
Want to add a table with specific dimensions to your Word document? Here’s how:
1. Position the cursor on the area of the document where you want to insert your table.
2. On the Insert tab of the Ribbon, click Table, and then click Draw Table.
3. Define the table size. Right-click to select the area where you want the table to appear.
4. Use the mouse to draw the internal table lines the way you want them. To erase any lines you've drawn by mistake, press the SHIFT key, and the pointer will change from a pencil to an eraser.
Note: The design tools in Microsoft Office Word 2007 give you plenty more features—for example, the ability to create other tables within those you've already designed.

128. Upgrade Old Documents to 2007 Versions
If you receive a document from a colleague who is not yet running the 2007 Microsoft Office system, the 2007 Office system will automatically open it in Compatibility Mode. However, not all the new features will be available to you. When you close the document, it will be saved in its original format, not in the format of the 2007 release.
If you want to upgrade the file to the 2007 Office system:
1. Click the Office button, and then click Convert.
2. In the Microsoft Office Word dialog box, click OK, and then click Save.
Note: You may want to make a backup copy of the file before you upgrade it. Also, to see when you are working in Compatibility Mode, look at the top of the screen. The phrase Compatibility Mode will appear in brackets to the right of the file name.

129. Find Tooltips for Keyboard Shortcuts
If you press and hold the ALT key, tooltips appear above the commands at the top of the page. You can then press the appropriate letter for a simple keyboard shortcut.